Dealing with insurance headaches? We’ve got the cure!
Get claims submissions fast and accurate; we'll take care of providing the documentation that insurers need to process claims, ensuring timely payment and a pain-free process.
Goodbye hold music! We'll take care of following up with insurers whenever a claim gets older than 30 days; while you focus on making a difference!
We'll handle every insurance payment, including those lengthy Delta checks! We'll apply payments swiftly and simplify your life by scanning Explanation of Benefits into PDFs, eliminating the need for filing!
The icing on the cake? We can take care of all appeals, requests, resubmittals, and inquiries. You won't have to deal with insurance claims anymore, while getting all the perks of handling them efficiently.
Are you less than in love with dealing with insurance carriers? Tired of following up, wading through paperwork, and staying on top of timely billing? We’ll help you to change the story!
Our insurance service takes the hassle, complexity and inefficiency out of billing insurers. Our team of specialists use hyper-efficient IT systems that streamline the claims process. We will take care of processing and handling claims with unmatched timeliness and accuracy, ensuring timely payment and stress-free experiences for your customers and your business.
“We want to get money in the door so we can pay all our bills. That has worked out really, really nicely.’‘
Dr David Baker
Keep your financials secured in the green by improving your cashflow through faster and accurate claims handling. We know that all sorts of things can take away your intention from this part of your business. Our team are here to take it off your plate. We’ll handle those claims and inquiries, you reap the benefits!
Is what we’re talking about from the realm of leprechauns and unicorns? We’re pleased to say it isn’t! Our all-inclusive billing services are possible because our time intimately understands dental practices, their pains, and how they work. Our specialized team are fluent in billing, claims handling, what insurers look for, and how to smooth the patient experience. So we take these tasks from your shoulders!
This way, we’re able to give you the best of both worlds: improved billing and cashflow, smoother customer experiences, and more time for you to focus on what really matters.
Have questions? Need advice? Sara, our residential dental expert, is here to help. Jump on a call with her today to make headway on your billing pains and turn them into solutions for your business.
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